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Select articles and interviews available online:


Spotlight, Rejected Religion. Hosted by Stephanie Shea.


Archetypal View: Tim Burton and The Nightmare Before Christmas on Howl in the Wilderness podcast, hosted by Brian James. Also available on YouTube.

Interviewed with Carl Abrahamsson for The Metempsychotic Podcast, hosted by Bob Hale.

HAUNTQUINOX, hosted by Keats Ross of Pragmagick Podcast.

My Magical Thing with Vanessa Sinclair, hosted by Julian Vayne.

The Last Mutiny Girl, Full Disclosure podcast. Hosted by Roben Farzad.

Episode 75: Psychoanalysis and the Cut-up Technique on Lux Occult podcast.


Interviewed for Ultraculture podcast with Carl Abrahamsson. Hosted by Jason Louv.

Poetry showcase from Vanessa Sinclair, PsyD on Fevers of the Mind: Writing, Poetry, book reviews, interviews, music reviews, contests, art.

How to Psychoanalze (w/ Dr. Vanessa Sinclair, This Podcast is a Ritual, hosted by Devin Person.

John Wisniewski interviews Vanessa Sinclair for Manticore Press.


On Beauty, War, and Artistic Innovation” in Penumbr(a) No. 2 / Beauty edited by Marta Aleksandrowicz and Fernanda Negrete.

Interview with Carl Abrahamsson for Fruit of the Spirit magazine.

Interviewed by Carl Abrahamsson for Trapartisan Radio.


The Tenderness of the Cut” in Stillpoint Magazine.

Quick-9 interview with Vanessa Sinclair, Fevers of the Mind: Writing, Poetry, book reviews, interviews, music reviews, contests, art.

Interviewed by Mary Wild for her Patreon.

Interviewed by Tom Bland for Spontaneous Poetics.

Interviewed by Andrew McLuhan of The McLuhan Institute for The Massage podcast.

CHAOS OF THE THIRD MIND interview with Katelan Foisy on Pragmagick podcast, hosted by Keats Ross.

Essay on “Dreams and Imagination” for the launch of Imagine Magazine.

Interviewed for the Artist + Analyst series curated by Dr. Julie Futrell.


What is Psychoanalysis?” A Healthy Mind, hosted by Dr. Katherine Marshall Woods.

Bonus episode: Psychoanalysis, the Occult and Hereditary with Vanessa Sinclair, Projections Podcast, hosted by Mary Wild and Sarah Cleaver.

Psychoanalysing Art,” Art Matters UK Podcast, hosted by Ferren Gipson.

Conspirinormal Episode 317 – Carl Abrahamsson and Vanessa Sinclair (Into the Devil’s Den), hosted by Adam Sayne.

23rd Mind TV hosted by Vanessa Sinclair and Carl Abrahamsson.

“Vanessa Sinclair on psychoanalysis, art, & the occult,” Kemetic means of production podcast, hosted by Dr. Robert Beshara.


Interview with Drs. Vanessa Sinclair & Manya Steinkoler about On Psychoanalysis and Violence: Contemporary Lacanian Perspectives (Routledge, 2019) on New Books in Psychoanalysis hosted by Tracy Morgan.

The Third Mind: Dr. Vanessa Sinclair on Psychoanalysis and the Occult, PragMagick Podcast, hosted by Keats Ross.

Psychoanalysis, Art and Disrupting Linear Narratives, Subversive Studies Podcast, hosted by Dan Glenn. Film created to accompany the interview.


Dr. Vanessa Sinclair on Psychoanalysis, Art and Magic(k), LeoSaySays Podcast, hosted by Rob Manners.


Interview with Vanessa Sinclair and Carl Abrahamsson, Arcana Machine, hosted by Douglas Lucas.

Episode #217: Vanessa Sinclair, Virtual Memories Podcast, hosted by Gil Roth.

11 Questions to Vanessa Sinclair,” Die Elektrikschen Vorspiele hosted by Júlio Mendes Rodrigo.


Rune Soup, hosted by Gordon White. Interview with Carl Abrahamsson about the upcoming Psychoanalysis, Art & the Occult conference, London, England.


PTV3 (Psychic TV) at Brooklyn Night Bazaar with Simon Critchley for the Brooklyn Rail.


Featured author, Apres-Coup Psychoanalytic Association, New York, NY, USA.